First Week in Dragonereum
by hipster on 2018-12-06
First Week in Dragonereum
One week ago I wrote about Dragonereum. One week passed since the launch … And I have some really exciting numbers to you.
Some in-game results
- More than 1⁄3 of genesis EGGs sold out.
- 2400 DRAGONs can live forever!
- More than 250 addresses in the game
- More than 7500 fights done! That is 3 fights per dragon or 30 (!) per address
- 28k transactions. That is more than 100 per address.
- Market for GOLD established. ~0.00005 ETH per GOLD gives us a cap of 3000 ETH or $300k. Markets of dragons, eggs, and breeding are also ready :-)
- CryptoAndGamers is the coolest dragon in the universe - DSI 82.48
Dragonereum is the biggest gas burner last week in the whole Ethereum network. I don’t have exact numbers but using observations from the gas station I bet one dragon that game burned 15% of the weekly gas supply. This and this
Last week Dragonereum was a heartbeat of Ethereum! Amazing results Dragon Masters!
Benchmark against Decentraland
I don’t think that Decentraland is a competing project. Vice versa I am sure that Dragonereum and Decentraland complement each other. I believe that Dragons will be able to travel in Decentraland someday. But some numbers would be useful:
- Cap: Dragonereum is 1⁄500 of Decentraland
- Cap per core game unit: ~$2k in Decentraland vs $125 in Dragonereum
- Transactions: 63 (yep, sixty-three) in Decentraland vs 28 thousand in Dragonereum. 500⁄1.
The main conclusion is that either Decentraland is highly overestimated or Dragonereum is underestimated or both.
Benchmark against CryptKitties
Again I don’t think that Cryptokities in any sense competing with Dragonereum. It is like comparing simple, primitive toy with a complex, complete game. Some guy at Arena told me that kitties are a good meal for Dragons, usually at breakfast.
- Transactions: 66k Cryptokities vs 28k Dragonereum
- Active users: 2941 Cryptokities vs 392 Dragonereum
- Tx per active user: 22 vs 72
The main conclusion is that Dragonereum did not reach a scale of the user base of Cryptokities. But some numbers shows early signals that Dragonereum is more engaging.
- Verified on stateofdapps and now 6th in global dapp rating
- Verified on dappradar and now 20th in global ethereum rank
- The game is officially supported by 2 crypto browser vendors: Cyb and Buntoy.
Now we are sure that we have a huge room to grow and thank you, everybody, who is in THE GAME!
Test cyb - the best browser for Dragonereum. Follow cyber•Congress blog to get updates on all web3 movement.
This content is signed by the Lord of cyber dragons on December 5, 2018