

An Implementation of Amino for clients with Javascript

Current state: 1.0.0 First major public release

For more information spec, please refer: https://github.com/tendermint/go-amino


  1. Encode and Decode simple types: ints 8/16/32/64, booleans, strings, bytes
  2. Encode and Decode recursive Structs and Interfaces, Arrays
  3. Encode simple Time data

Install From NPM:

Run npm i js-amino

Install From Source

  1. Run npm install

Running The Examples

  1. cd src/examples
  2. go get
  3. Run examples, e. g. in Go: go run string.go and in JS node string.js

Running The Unit Test

  1. Run npm test

Usage (MsgMultiSend example)

const {
} = require('../index');

let StdTx = TypeFactory.create('StdTx', [{
        name: 'msg',
        type: Types.ArrayInterface,
        name: 'fee',
        type: Types.Struct,
        name: 'signatures',
        type: Types.ArrayStruct,
        name: 'memo',
        type: Types.String,

let MsgMultiSend = TypeFactory.create('MsgMultiSend', [{
        name: "inputs",
        type: Types.ArrayStruct
        name: "outputs",
        type: Types.ArrayStruct

let Coin = TypeFactory.create('coin', [{
        name: 'denom',
        type: Types.String,
        name: 'amount',
        type: Types.String,

let Input = TypeFactory.create('input', [{
        name: 'address',
        type: Types.String,
        name: 'coins',
        type: Types.ArrayStruct,

let Output = TypeFactory.create('output', [{
        name: 'address',
        type: Types.String,
        name: 'coins',
        type: Types.ArrayStruct,

let Fee = TypeFactory.create('fee', [{
        name: 'amount',
        type: Types.ArrayStruct,
        name: 'gas',
        type: Types.Int64,

let PubKeySecp256k1 = TypeFactory.create('PubKeySecp256k1', [{
    name: 's',
    type: Types.ByteSlice,
}], Types.ByteSlice)

let Signature = TypeFactory.create('signature', [{
        name: 'pub_key',
        type: Types.Interface,
        name: 'signature',
        type: Types.ByteSlice,

let codec = new Codec();

codec.registerConcrete(new StdTx(), 'auth/StdTx', {});
codec.registerConcrete(new MsgMultiSend(), 'cosmos-sdk/MsgMultiSend', {});
codec.registerConcrete(new PubKeySecp256k1(), 'tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1', {});

let coin = new Coin('cyb', "10000");

let addressFrom = [ 59,58,243,13,132,163,164,202,233,7,236,93,136,166,181,175,236,69,48,186 ]
let addressTo = [ 94,222,114,42,196,107,51,203,139,142,219,243,137,60,54,250,139,153,46,168 ]

let input = new Input(addressFrom, [coin]);
let output = new Output(addressTo, [coin]);
let sendMultiMsg = new MsgMultiSend([input], [output]);
let fee = new Fee([new Coin('cyb', '0')], 200000);

let pubKey = new PubKeySecp256k1([2,27,24,0,255,96,147,21,64,29,132,192,108,219,59,134,206,201,126,224,63,160,24,236,170,124,164,95,43,180,6,246,250]);
let signature = [165,76,109,61,53,129,190,147,52,224,34,106,235,208,224,36,190,25,204,36,226,129,97,109,35,130,217,228,144,106,10,134,14,183,95,252,219,235,22,92,37,53,3,89,111,173,12,158,146,71,82,113,236,241,170,121,217,20,236,23,131,35,80,29];

let sig = new Signature(pubKey, signature);
let stdTx = new StdTx([sendMultiMsg], fee, [sig], 'elonmusk');

let jsonTx = codec.marshalJson(stdTx);
let decodedDataTx = new StdTx();

console.log("Binary stdTx:\n", (codec.marshalBinary(stdTx)).toString());
console.log("Json:\n", jsonTx);
codec.unMarshalBinary(codec.marshalBinary(stdTx), decodedDataTx);
console.log("Decoded data:\n", decodedDataTx.JsObject());
Binary stdTx:


Decoded data:
 { msg: [ { inputs: [Array], outputs: [Array] } ],
  fee: { amount: [ [Object] ], gas: 200000 },
  signatures: [ { pub_key: [Array], signature: [Array] } ],
  memo: 'elonmusk' }

Contributing Guide

Contribution are welcome! Please read this guide before contributing.

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


Code are licensed under MIT license by contributors