
API reference

Cyberd provides a JSON-RPC API. Http endpoint is served under localhost:20657. WebSockets are the preferred transport for cyberd RPC and are used by applications such as cyb. Default WebSocket connection endpoint for cyberd is ws://localhost:20657/websocket. There are test endpoints available at http://earth.cybernode.ai:34657 and ws://earth.cybernode.ai:34657/websocket.

Standard Methods

Query Example

Query http endpoint using curl:

curl --data '{"method":"status","params":[],"id":"1","jsonrpc":"2.0"}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST earth.cybernode.ai:34657

Query ws endpoint from js:

let websocket = new WebSocket("ws://earth.cybernode.ai:34657/websocket");

Method Overview

The following is an overview of the RPC methods and their current status. Click the method name for further details such as parameter and return information.

# Method Description
1 status Get node info, pubkey, latest block hash, app hash, block height and time.
2 account Get account nonce, pubkey, number, and coins.
3 account_bandwidth Get account bandwidth info for current height.
4 is_link_exist Return true, if given link exist.
5 current_bandwidth_price Returns current bandwidth credit price.
6 index_stats Returns current index entities count.

Method Details

Method status
Parameters None
Description Get node info, pubkey, latest block hash, app hash, block height and time.
Return to Overview

Method account
Parameters 1. address (string, required)
Description Get account nonce, pubkey, number, and coins.
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Method account_bandwidth
Parameters 1. address (string, required)
Description Get account bandwidth info for current height.
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Method is_link_exist
Parameters 1. from (cid, required)
2. to (cid, required)
3. address (string, required)
Description Return true, if given link exist.
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Method current_bandwidth_price
Parameters None
Description Returns current bandwidth credit price.
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Method index_stats
Parameters None
Description Returns current index entities count.
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Notifications (WebSocket-specific)

Cyberd uses standard JSON-RPC notifications to notify clients of changes, rather than requiring clients to poll cyberd for updates. JSON-RPC notifications are a subset of requests, but do not contain an ID. The notification type is categorized by the query params field.

Subscribe Example

Subscribe for new blocks header from js:

 let websocket = new WebSocket("ws://earth.cybernode.ai:34657/websocket");
   "method": "subscribe",
   "params": ["tm.event='NewBlockHeader'"],
   "id": "1",
   "jsonrpc": "2.0"

Events Overview

# Event Description
1 NewBlockHeader Sends block header notification when a new block is committed.
2 CoinsReceived Sends a notification when a new coins is arrived to given address.
3 CoinsSend Sends a notification when a new coins is send from given address.
4 СidsLinked Notification of link created by given address.
5 SignedTxCommitted Notify when any tx for given signer is committed.

Events Details


Event NewBlockHeader
Description Sends block header notification when a new block is committed.
Query tm.event='NewBlockHeader'
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Event CoinsReceived
Description Sends a notification when a new coins is arrived to given address.
Query tm.event='EventTx' AND recipient='cbd1sk3uvpacpjm2t3389caqk4gd9n9gkzq2054yds'
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Event CoinsSend
Description Sends a notification when a new coins is send from given address.
Query tm.event='EventTx' AND sender='cbd1sk3uvpacpjm2t3389caqk4gd9n9gkzq2054yds'
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Event СidsLinked
Description Notification of link created by given address.
Query tm.event='EventTx' AND signer='cbd1sk3uvpacpjm2t3389caqk4gd9n9gkzq2054yds' AND action='link'
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Event SignedTxCommitted
Description Notify when any tx for given signer is committed.
Query tm.event='EventTx' AND signer='cbd1sk3uvpacpjm2t3389caqk4gd9n9gkzq2054yds'
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