
://cyber staking and distribution overview


Module Param Value Comment
Staking UnbondingTime 3 weeks time duration of unbonding
Staking MaxValidators 146 maximum number of active validators set
Staking MaxEntries 7 max entries for either unbonding delegation or redelegation per delegator/validator pair(delegator/validator/validator for redelegation)
Consensus MaxBytes 1mb block max bytes limit
Rank RankCalcWindow 100 full rank recalculation window
Distr CommunityTax 0% community funding tax, not used
Distr BaseProposerReward 1% % of block inflation goes to proposer
Distr BonusProposerReward 4% addition reward, calculated as % of included votes from validators set
Slashing MaxEvidenceAge 3weeks misbehaviour evidence max age
Slashing SignedBlocksWindow 30min window to calculate validators liveness
Slashing MinSignedPerWindow 70% min singed block for window to not be jailed
Slashing DowntimeJailDuration 0 unjail delay
Slashing SlashFractionDoubleSign 20% % of stake reduction for double sign
Slashing SlashFractionDowntime 0.1% % of stake reduction for being offline
Mint TokensPerBlock 0.634195840 Gcyb validators block rewards
Bandwidth RecoveryWindow 24h from 0 to max recovery period
Bandwidth PriceSlidingWindow 24h price calculated based on network load for selected period
Bandwidth PriceAdjustWindow 1m how ofter price is recalculated
Bandwidth PriceMin 0.01 minimum price number (1 means normal price)
Bandwidth LinkCost 100 link msg cost
Bandwidth NonLinkCost 5 * LinkCost link msg cost
Bandwidth TxCost 3 * LinkCost tx cost
Bandwidth DesirableNetworkBandwidthForRecoveryPeriod 2000 * 1000 * LinkCost how much all users in average can spend for recover period


The cyberd is a public Proof-Of-Stake (PoS) blockchain, meaning that validator’s weight is determined by the amount of staking tokens bonded as collateral. These tokens can be staked directly by the validator or delegated to them by token holders. The weight (i.e. total stake) of a validator determines whether or not it is an active validator, and also how frequently this node will have to propose a block and how much revenue it will obtain.


Any user in the system can declare its intention to become a validator by sending a create-validator transaction. From there, they become validators. Validator can set commission, that applied on revenue before it is distributed to their delegators.

Each validator holds: - All bounded tokens(self and delegators). NOTE: not include distribution rewards. - Own distribution rewards (commission rewards) - Delegators distribution rewards - All delegators shares. Share is not mapped 1-to-1 to tokens. In a case a validator being punished for misbehaviour, bounded tokens will be reduced, while shares remain a same.


Delegators are token holders who cannot, or do not want to run validator operations themselves. A user can delegate tokens to a validator and obtain a part of its revenue in exchange. Upon delegation a user converts his tokens to validator shares in a rate val_tokens/val_shares.


A user may want to cancel delegation to specific validator. To do so, he/she send undelegate transaction. Depending on current validator state, either user receive his revenue proportion and bounded tokens back immediately (for unbonded validator), or just start process of undelegation. If a validator is in unbonding state, than a user will receive tokens at a validator unbonding time. In last case, a user will wait full UnbondingTime period.


If validators double sign, are frequently offline or do not participate in governance, their staked tokens (including tokens of users that delegated to them) can be destroyed, or ‘slashed’.

At the beginning of each block, we update the signing info for each validator and check if they’ve dipped below the liveness threshold MinSignedPerWindow over the tracked window SignedBlocksWindow. If so, their stake will be slashed by SlashFractionDowntime percentage and will be Jailed for DowntimeJailDuration.


All minted tokens goes to fees pool. At each beginblock, the fees received on previous block are allocated to the proposer, community fund, and previous block active validators set according to next scheme:

  1. When the validator is the proposer of the round, that validator (and their delegators) receives between BaseProposerReward and BonusProposerReward of fee rewards. The amount of proposer reward is calculated from pre-commits Tendermint messages in order to incentives validators to wait and include additional pre-commits in the block.

  2. Community tax is then charged from full fees.

  3. The remainder is distributed proportionally by voting power to all bonded validators(and their delegators) independent of whether they voted (social distribution).